Friday, August 29, 2008

Week in Review

Our first week of school actually only consisted of two days. Two "half" days if you want the whole truth. But they were a pretty good two days. We decided to start on Thursday because I thought that was the day our public schools were starting. I was misinformed - they all started Tuesday. Oh well. We started Thursday. It was a nice enough start.

I chose to start with the bare bones. Bible, Logic, Phonics and some History read alouds to bridge the gap between last years study in the Ancient and this years Middle Ages. Bear even did a little copy work. It was an encouragement to me.

Yes, little fingers need time to get back into the habit of writing, little bottoms need some help sitting in seats and little minds need to adjust to the new balance of work and play but we have time - it's still August after all.

By the look on Bug's face in this picture you'd think things were pretty grim, but rest assured, these silly guys have plenty of time to let it all hang out, whatever that means.

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